Time Accountant is an application that lets you register any task. A task is something with a start, and stop time. Consequently, every finished task has a duration.
You can attach a comment to each task.
Each task is part of a task collection of similar tasks. This task collection is identified by three keys, which can be chosen by the user.
When a certain task collection has been selected, all its tasks can be browsed with a previous, next mechanism. You can also go to the first or last task (in time) of a task collection.
* How do I start
You can write a keyword next to any of the three labels (Project, Subproject, Kind). When you have identified your task collection in this way, you can tap the "start new" button. This will create a new task in the indicated task collection and display the current time. The time will start running and you will see the MINUTES (have some patience) evolve next to the Duration label. When you tap the Stop button, the Stopped time is shown and the Stopped tasks total will be updated accordingly. This Stopped tasks total indicates the total duration of all stopped tasks of the chosen task collection that are available at that moment (internal memory + memory card if one is inserted).
You can now decide to start a new task in the same task collection by repeating the above steps, or you can create another task collection by changing some or all of the keys in the upper half of the screen and then start a new task.
When you got to an existing task collection, the relevant keys will appear in the popup in front of the labels (Project, Subproject, Kind). For example, changing the Project key, will get all the subprojects that are related to that project key and put them into the popup in front of the Submodule label.
The same story goes for Submodule and Kind.
The 4 task buttons in the middle of the screen enable you to browse through the existing task of a specific task collection. Tapping the two arrows to the left brings you to the first task of the task collection. Tapping the one arrow to the left, goes one task back in time. The right arrow brings you one task further and the two right arrows bring you to the most recently created task of this task collection.
The last task collection that is chosen before closing the application, reappears when the application is reopened with its latest created task.
Note that you can have several task running at the same time. You can simply go to another task while the current one is running.
You can attach a comment to any task at any time, simply by writing on one of the three lines at the bottom of the screen.
This seems all more complicated than it really is, TRY IT !
* System Preferences
This application creates a system preferences frame which contains the names of the three labels that precede the keys of a task collection on the screen. These labels can be edited with the special label-editor by tapping the settings icon (3 labels and 3 lines).
* Soups
Time Accountant creates 2 soups.
One for the keys of the task collections which is called Projects:TimeAcc:HighQ.
This soup contains all combinations of keys for which tasks exist.
The second soup is called Tasks:TimeAcc:HighQ which contains all the tasks of all the task collections.